Get Involved
Love Somerset’s coasts by following these simple steps to help create a beach to be proud of.

Check your home or business is connected to the right drainage system. Wrongly connected plumbing could mean dirty water from toilets, dishwashers and showers going directly into your local river, lake or sea.
Check CONNECTRIGHT.ORG.UK to see if your drains are connected properly

Take your litter home with you or find a bin to pop it in.

Only flush the 3P’s – pee, poo and paper! Everything else goes in the bin.

Don’t put fats, oils and greases (FOGs) down the sink as it can cause blockages. Let them cool, then scrape or pour into your food waste bin for recycling or into a non-recyclable container and put in your household waste.
Don’t poop and run

When you’re out walking your dog, please help by picking up your dog’s poo and putting it in a bin. Dog poo can be high in bacteria and can affect bathing water quality.
Don’t feed the locals
Remember not to throw food to the gulls when you’re at the beach. The bird’s droppings contain bacteria which can negatively impact bathing water quality.