Don’t Poop and Run
Dog fouling is defined as ‘the offence of being in charge of a dog and failing to remove the faeces after it defecates in a public place.’ Estimates by Keep Britain Tidy (KBT) suggest that there are 8.5 million dogs in the UK which produce over 1,000 tonnes of faeces a day. Much of this is deposited in public spaces, cleared up and disposed of properly by responsible dog owners. However, there is a small percentage that gets left, either accidentally or deliberately.
What is the problem?
Not only is dog-fouling anti-social, unsightly, and unpleasant; it also poses a public health risk as pathogenic bacteria can survive in dog faeces for extended periods of time and can be easily spread by wind, vehicular traffic, and contaminated shoes. The bacteria present in dog poo can cause a range of illnesses and diseases that affect other dogs, grazing animals, and people.
2021 Campaign
In 2021, we carried out dog fouling surveys around Burnham & Highbridge with the help of the Somerset Poo Fighters, Sedgemoor District Council and Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council. Using environmentally-friendly temporary chalk spray, volunteers highlighted incidences of dog poo. Alongside this, our ‘Don’t Poop and Run’ stencils were used at dog fouling hotspots.

5 hotspots were monitored, and 4 out of 5 locations showed an overall decrease in dog fouling over the month-long survey. Particular success was seen at Apex Park, which showed a 70% reduction in the amount of dog poo. Thanks to all the volunteers who made this survey work possible!
2020 Campaign
Don’t Poop and Run
Leaving Poop Damages Street Credibility…

No Matter The Size, No Matter The Place, No Matter The Time…. Always Pick Up

Our ‘Don’t Poop and Run’ ‘#BagItBinIt’ campaign has been designed in collaboration with Litter Free Dorset, Litter Free Coast and Sea, Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Town Council, Sedgemoor District Council and Somerset Poo Fighters.
Working with Burnham on Sea and Highbridge Town Council, Sedgemoor District Council and local volunteers (Somerset Poo Fighters), we are carrying out stencilling and survey work in Burnham, targeting sites which have received high reports of dog fouling.
2018 Campaign
Poo Fighters Campaign
In October 2018 we focused our campaigning on tackling the dog fouling problem in and around Burnham. In addition to carrying out a spray campaign – involving spraying dog poo with chalk paint – we engaged with the local community through organising a dog walk and held an evening talk with a local vet and dog wardens.

We concentrated our spray survey in two areas renowned as dog fouling hotspots, Gore Alley and the path leading to Apex Park from the Sailing club. Once we had sprayed and counted the poo’s, we would leave them for a day before getting them cleaned up, ready for the next spray. The idea behind this, is that it highlights the problem and shows people that it isn’t going unnoticed. A bit of a Big Brother effect!
We saw a drastic reduction in fouling along Gore Alley. We counted 41 the first week, then it reduced to 13 and the final survey had 6. In comparison, we had a slight decrease, then increase on the Apex Park path.