Litter Free Coast & Sea & it’s Supporters are working together for cleaner beaches & seas everyone can be proud of!

Visit Somerset is the official destination marketing organisation for Somerset. Not only do they help to share the best bits of Somerset, including its beautiful coastal walks and uninterrupted beaches, they also help Litter Free Coast & Sea spread the message on what people can do to help protect their environment & keep it clean for everyone to enjoy.
Hugh Cornwell, Visit Somerset’s Chairman and John Turner, CEO explain why they are supporting the campaign.
“ Beautiful beaches are the settings for some of Life’s most unforgettable memories . . . of carefree family holidays, when we were young and later as parents ourselves; of somewhere to share secrets and laughter with a special friend; of walking the dog alone, enjoying those precious moments of quiet reflection. But nothing can spoil these idyllic moments like cutting one’s foot on some broken glass lying in wait under the sand; or seeing some ugly discarded plastic rubbish fluttering in the breeze; or treading on dog faeces that the dog owner could not be bothered to clear up.
We are delighted to be able to support Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset not only to help mobilise the efforts of our tourist community but also by helping to educating the public as to how through small changes we can all make big advances in environmental change.”

Somerset Wildlife Trust – through its Somerset’s Brilliant Coast Project – has been working closely with Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset over the last 3 years. It has been a really productive relationship building on our synergies and complementing our different themes and project strands to help improve the over all messages around protecting our coastal environment in Somerset. We are particularly proud of partnering with LFCSS in developing a pilot Somerset Schools Coastal Champions aware which is building rolled out this year – Mark Ward, Somerset Wildlife Trust

Walking and exploring our coast has been a lifeline for many during the last year and keeping our seas clean and our coastline litter free ensures that that we can continue to enjoy it for years to come. Litter Free Coast and Seas Somerset has created practical initiatives that raise awareness of the importance of preventing coastal pollution, while supporting local communities to take action to protect their seas and coast; a great initiative that ensures grassroots involvement – Isobel Pring, England Coast Path Officer, Somerset County Council