For the month of July 2020 we took part in #PlasticFreeJuly on Social Media, sharing our Top Tips and Top Swaps on how to reduce your single-use-plastic footprint.
“Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we have cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities” – Plastic Free July
How can you get involved?
Whilst the best day to start Plastic Free July was the 1st of July, the next best time is today! Start out small or really challenge yourself, check out our tips below or visit www.plasticfreejuly.org for inspiration. Together we can make a difference!
Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset’s Top Tips and Top Swaps:

1. Switch to a reusable water bottle
Switching to a reusable bottle will not only help to reduce your single use plastic footprint, but could also save you up to £150 a year! (Plastics Watch)

2. Grow your own!
Often our shop bought food items come wrapped in lots of plastic, so growing herbs and vegetables at home can really make a difference to your single use plastic footprint.

3. Swap to a reusable face mask
Most single use face masks are made up of layers of plastic and unfortunately we are now seeing an increasing number littered in our environment. Swap to a reusable, washable face mask. See our previous blog post for a step-by-step guide for you to create a reusable face mask at home.

4. Choose to refuse single use plastic shopping bags
Bring your own reusable bag or box instead. If you do already have plastic bags at home, don’t let them go to waste and use them as much as possible until they’re on their last legs, then dispose of them correctly.
Remember to share and tag us in your Top Tips and Top Swaps for #PlasticFreeJuly
#BeTheChange #PlasticFree #LitterFree #StaySafe
Please read the latest GOVERNMENT ADVICE on face masks and face coverings to stay up to date